One incredibly simple highlight of the holidays so far for the boys, was a scramble that my Aunt's husband did for them.
Is a scramble just a Scottish thing?
If so, then it's simply handfuls of coins thrown in the air and you have to gather up as much as you can. Whatever you gather you keep. It used to happen at weddings - the bride and groom would throw handfuls of money out of the car to the children. James (15) was very noble and helped Fraser (1) and Alasdair (6) to collect the money.
We've made sure to pop in to see my Granny as much as we can.
This photo was taken last weekend before James and dad headed away from the island. James is now away at Army Cadet camp for two weeks and my hubs went back to work this week. The other boys and I are staying on a little longer.
One thing Alasdair wanted to tick of his list of things to do was a round of Crazy Golf.
This is, apparently, how all cool guys stand on a golf course.
Of course Fraser didn't want to miss out on any of the action!
Another huge highlight for Alasdair so far was the chance to finally buy some Lifeboat wellies.
He has been after these for months and months.
Fraser likes to go and visit Shen in his study so that he can listen to some of his music.
Whenever the weather has been dry we have tried to be outdoors.
This week we spent an afternoon at a playpark at the north of the island. It's built in amongst some sand dunes.
The park is also right by the beach.
I could happily spend all day sitting by the sea. It wouldn't have to be sunny.
This beach is on the Atlantic coast of the island so the waves are more impressive than on the other side.
Also impressive are the sand dunes.
Perfect for jumping off.
Or running down. In your lifeboat wellies.
Now, just in case all the photos so far have given you the impression that we have been having beautiful weather so far this summer, let me just put that right.
There have been quite a few that looked like the one above, but that just gives us the excuse to spend some time like this...
But back to those rare beach weather days, when I obviously take a lot more photos than on the more common grey ones.
Today we headed to a beach that lies just around the headland of the beach in the previous post. With yet more rain forecast for the next few days we were determined to make the most of today's sunshine!
David & Calum drew out their badminton court in the sand.
David was so excited to discover a couple of little caves.

I have loved seeing all of your photo and reading about your Holiday. It was like a cozy book. The boys will cherish these days in their hearts always. The caves looked so exciting. I feel the same as you do about sitting on the beach, I do feel like I could just sit and sit there. The rainy days look cold, but very cozy inside with the fire. Such a nice post. Have a wonderful week.