
Monday, 21 September 2015

Looking for Autumn

We went in search of autumn in our local woods at the weekend.

The duck pond was looking lovely, surrounded by a mixture of late summer greens and the early signs of autumn colour.

Mostly, the boys didn't so much look out for signs of autumn, but rather just enjoyed larking about in the woods.

Calum (12), did try and get a few photos though, as he wanted to enter some into a competition.

'Mam, come and see where James is!'

Whenever anyone ventured even the tiniest bit off the path, there was a little someone following in their footsteps!

Knock, knock.


We decided we were still a little early to find any major signs of autumn. Although there were lots of berries around, and the trees are beginning to change, we couldn't see any conkers yet and the brambles were mostly still green.

We'll just have to keep going back regularly so that we can get first choice of the new seasons conkers when they fall! But when the local wood is as pretty as it is then that's no bad thing.

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