Some days we've built a shady den to keep cool.
And we've eaten lots of ice lollies and ice poles.
On Saturday morning dad was volunteering at a charity cycle - he was manning one of the refreshment stops - and so we arranged to meet him across in Aberdour when he was finished. The boys and I took the train there, which means crossing the Forth Rail Bridge - always exciting for the train fans in the family!
We had arranged to meet some friends there too, and enjoyed a picnic in the sunshine, as well as plenty of shinty playing for the boys.
Fraser enjoyed running around with his little friend, and showing her his new trick of rolly-pollies. Or 'bowly-bowly' as he calls them.
Those who were interested spent some time watching the official shinty match, Aberdour v Taynuilt.
Then once the match was finished they took advantage of the empty pitch.
Sunday saw more sporting fun. Well, kind of.
We had lunch at Auntie Anna's house, which always involves a walk with her dog to the school playing fields near her house. And the walk always involves an extended stop at the long jump sand pit there!
We even took our church toddler group outside this week, as we didn't want to spend such a beautiful day inside.
The novelty of jumping into a cold paddling pool after school still hasn't worn off for the boys, and so once again yesterday Fraser and I filled it up with some nice fresh water ready for them coming home.
And this time, while we waited for the bigger boys, I couldn't resist joining Fraser in it!