Continuing my look back at our Summer Holidays. (Weeks 1 & 2 are here)
Day 17
James was half way through his 2 weeks at Army Cadet camp, and his little buddy Ally (7) was beginning to miss him. This was what he drew in his worksheet at church that morning.
Day 18
More sports today. This time Ally got to take part too. He and David had an afternoon of football training. Ally loved getting to go along and take part in something sporty like his big brothers often do, but was a bit tired out by it when tea time came!
Day 19
The weather forecast had said that this was going to be the hottest day of the summer. Sure enough, the sun was shining from the moment we woke up and so we headed to the Traigh Mhòr with a picnic, to make the most of a rare day of hot sunshine.
It really was my idea of a most perfect way to spend a summer's day. The boys had such a great time. Fraser (2) loved being in the sea and he loved playing about in the sand too. He was having such a great time that every so often he would say to me, 'we not go home yet' :0)
I couldn't really narrow down the photos to share from this day to just one or two like the other days though!
'Look out boys, this is how it's done.'
Which may not have been such a good idea, as we discovered a day or two later!
We came home to see my dad had fired up the barbecue.
And enjoyed a lovely evening in the sunshine.
Rounded off with s'mores.
Day 20
Everyone was quite tired out after their full day at the beach the day before so we had a quiet day. But we did venture out to the sports centre for a wee game of football. Fraser was very keen to be the goalie. Daddy joined in the football too, even though he was complaining of a painful ankle.
Day 21
The painful ankle was now swollen up like a balloon and there was pretty severe bruising going right up his leg. Since we couldn't pinpoint what had happened to it, we didn't think it could be too badly injured. After all, you would think that if you had badly injured your leg, you might actually realise at the time that it happened! So, poor daddy soldiered on again when we went for a walk around the shops. By the time we were heading home he could barely walk on it though, and when he collapsed in a chair with his leg up we saw that the swelling was even worse and the bruising had spread even further. So I took him along to A&E, and a short while later he was back home with his leg strapped up and the diagnosis of a fractured ankle! The only thing that we can think could have caused it was jumping off the sand dunes at the beach.
Day 22
We went for a run around on the beach at the bottom of my granny's croft. It was very strange being there and not calling in to see her before or after. Ally seems to be agreeing with me here that it doesn't have to be hot and sunny to have fun at the beach.
Day 23
We popped into a craft fair in town and saw my aunt who was selling her hand knits. She sells them to raise money for a hospice on the island. Ally and Fraser both got these gorgeous jumpers.
But the best thing about this day was that when the boat came in in the evening, it brought James back from Army Cadet camp! We were all so glad to have him back, especially the youngest boys. He was a bit exhausted from his two weeks at camp, but he achieved so much while away, including a promotion to Lance Corporal.