

Why hello there, and a big welcome to our houseful of boys.

I'm Kirsteen. I've been happily married to my beloved for 18 years and I'm a stay at home mum to our five sons who are aged 17, 14, 11, 7 and 3.

I've been blogging about our houseful of boys since summer 2010 over on my old blog but made the switch to this one in summer 2015 as we had run out of storage! If you are looking for any posts from before June 2015 you can find them here

Our house is always busy. My washing machine is rarely off and my washing basket doesn't stay empty for more than about half an hour.

 It can be a bit of a crazy house - and a loud one. There are lots of sports happening - mainly shinty, football & rugby. There are lots of musical instruments to practice and there is usually some sort of craft going on.

Our family isn't perfect, yes of course there are fights from time to time - especially when boys 2 and 3 go out to play football together - but I like to focus on the good things, which makes for a happier house overall.

I love to bake and cook, and you will almost always find something baking in the oven or cooling on a worktop.

When the day quietens down I like nothing more than to sit down quietly with my crochet. And my husband, of course. Not necessarily in that order either!

Four of our boys suffer from eczema, asthma and fairly severe food allergies. You can read more about this on the 'Eczema and Allergies' page at the top of the blog.

We are an old fashioned family in many respects. Dad works hard (he is a manager with a charity who help the homeless and disadvantaged), mum stays home to look after the house and children, and dad comes home to a home cooked meal each evening. I wouldn't want things any other way either.

Oh, one final thing about us - we are Gaelic speaking Scots, a' cumail Gàidhlig beò, and whenever I remember I share a Gaelic word of the day.


Thank you for taking the time to comment, it means a lot to me. I do try and reply to comments wherever I can.