
Eczema & Allergies

Four of my five boys suffer from eczema and various food allergies. 

Three of them are allergic to dairy, wheat, egg and nuts. One is allergic to egg, nuts and pulses. The egg allergies are not quite so bad, as they can eat things with eggs in them like cakes and biscuits, but they cannot eat egg on its own or anything that is largely egg like scrambled egg or meringue. They can't touch raw egg or their skin will break out in hives. The same happens with the boys who have the dairy and wheat allergies when they touch any dairy or wheat.

One boy has no eczema, asthma or any food allergies. 

If anyone is a fellow parent of a child with eczema or food allergies then I am more than happy for you to contact me, either for a sympathetic ear about the sleepless nights/scratching/wrestling creams on etc, or for any advice I might be able to offer you after dealing with this for the last 15 years. Just click on the email circle at the top of the right hand sidebar.

I also highly recommend the charity Eczema Outreach Scotland for those of you living in Scotland. They do a fantastic work supporting children with eczema and their families.

The posts below are ordered with the most recent first, but if you scroll down to the bottom and read about Alasdair's post bath eczema treatment, this is still our routine 5 years after that post was written. And the very bottom post about Alasdair's skin story could have been written about his 13 year old and 2 year old brothers too, as their eczema followed the exact same pattern.

Eczema Jammies (eczema)

7 months old (allergies)

8 weeks old (eczema)

Brave Little Soldier - and the follow up Thank You - (eczema)

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